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Layout requirements for digital printing

Layout requirements for digital printing

Layout requirements for digital printing

A file in PDF/X format is considered to be completely ready for printing (the PDF/X-3 version of the standard should be preferred), containing the placement of all your images on a printed sheet (its size should be specified in advance) and does not require any revision or correction.

On the area of ​​the printed sheet, which in PDF is defined by the MediaBox field (but outside the BleedBox! field), all the necessary marks and icons that are necessary for accurate alignment of the face with the turnover, cutting, creasing, die-cutting and performing all the necessary post-printing operations should be placed.

If for the finished product it is important to accurately match the images on the front and back of the sheet during duplex printing, then on the printed sheet in 4 opposite corners on both sides there must be marks (a cross, at least 3x3 mm in size and a line thickness of 0 2 mm ) on which exact convergence will be performed. Permissible misalignment for double-sided printing should be no more than 1.5 mm, which should be taken into account when setting margins per cut (at least 2 mm) when developing and placing layouts.

The page size (MediaBox) must match the existing paper size, taking into account the fact that there is a 4.5 mm non-printable margin on each edge of the printed sheet. Any changes in the layout, scaling, placement on a printed sheet, imposition, etc. are paid separately as a prepress service.

For multi-page orders, the imposition should take into account the type of sheet binding, spine thickness (depending on paper weight and number of sheets), page ejection (depending on the number of pages in each bound notebook and type of paper), type of printed material (if there are inserts from different materials ) and the procedure for placing and printing pages of the publication in order to eliminate unnecessary additional operations for selecting sheets for stitching.

If the layout of a multi-page publication is provided without imposition and the publication contains sheets that have a different size or type of paper, or there are other factors that create conditions for the expedient combination of these pages when printed (for example, a joint printing scheme), then you need to separately provide a list of these pages as a list of ranges (eg 1-5, 17, 19-28...).

The rest of the requirements for layouts for digital printing are fully consistent with the general requirements for layouts for offset printing.

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