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Requirements for large format printing

Requirements for large format printing

Shirokoformatnaya pechat' siti-layt, banner, poster Makety prinimayutsya v polnost'yu sobrannom vide v natural'nuyu velichinu (M1:1) v formatakh TIF, PSD (bez dopolnitel'nykh neispol'zuyemykh sloyev i grupp), EPS ili s PDF/KH-3. Rekomenduyemaya tsvetovaya model' — CMYK (tsvetovoye prostranstvo ISO Coated v2). Yesli dokument ne soderzhit vstroyennogo profilya rabochego tsvetovogo prostranstva, to avtomaticheski schitayetsya, chto dokument podgotovlen v tsvetovom prostranstve ISO Coated v2 dlya CMYK faylov i sRGB — dlya RGB faylov. Razresheniye rastrovykh izobrazheniy — 32-72 dpi (dlya inter'yernoy pechati — 150 dpi) v zavisimosti ot materiala i rasstoyaniya do nablyudatelya. Chernyy plashechnyy tsvet dolzhen byt' kompozitnym (S60 M60 Y60 K100). K maketu zhelatel'no dobavit' raspechatku ili nebol'shoye izobrazheniye dlya predvaritel'nogo prosmotra. Na raspechatke ili v elektronnom tekste ukazat' vsyu neobkhodimuyu dlya vypolneniya zakaza informatsiyu: imya fayla maketa, razmer gotovoy produktsii, kolichestvo, material, shag i kolichestvo lyuversov (yesli neobkhodimo) i t. p. Ещё 1 016 / 5 000 Результаты перевода Large format printing city-light, banner, poster Layouts are accepted fully assembled in full size (M1:1) in TIF, PSD (without additional unused layers and groups), EPS or PDF/X-3 formats. The recommended color model is CMYK (ISO Coated v2 color space). If the document does not contain a built-in working color space profile, then the document is automatically considered to be prepared in the ISO Coated v2 color space for CMYK files and sRGB for RGB files. Resolution of raster images - 32-72 dpi (for interior printing - 150 dpi) depending on the material and the distance to the observer. The black spot color must be a composite (C60 M60 Y60 K100). It is desirable to add a printout or a small preview image to the layout. On the printout or in the electronic text, indicate all the information necessary to complete the order: the name of the layout file, the size of the finished product, quantity, material, pitch and number of eyelets (if necessary), etc.

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